Piping and Drumming

Pipe Band
Individual Piping and
Drumming Registration

The Smoky Mountain Scottish Festival and Games offers competitions for bagpipers, drummers, and full bands.

Pipers will play marches and piobaireachd tunes(pronounced pea-brook). Piobaireachd is an ancient form of bagpipe music which starts with a simple melody and builds from that base to more complex musical movements. They will also play Strathspeys (a dance tune), and Reels (more dance music). Drummers compete with March sets. Competitors are judged on the ability to stay in tune and the ability to play with precision.

Drummer performing in Scottish Festival competition
bagpiper playing in Scottish festival competition

The Smoky Mountain Scottish Festival and Games offers four levels of Band Competition:
• Juvenile (sanctioned event)
• Grade V (the entry level)
• Grade IV
• Grade III

Bands will compete in a marked circle on the competition field and will play a medley of Marches, Strathspeys and Reels, as well as standard March sets. Bands are judged on proper starts and stops, musicality, ability to stay in tune, and precision of play.

Spectators are encouraged and welcomed to watch the competitions.

piping judge